Angelique vom Schwabenhof

 Angelique vom Schwabenhof

Angelique is the out of the very first litter my mother bred in her breeding carrier.
She is the boss of our papillongroup and one of the most intelligent Papillons I ever met. But she is a lazy girl and only for something to eat and when she thinks it is fine she moves from the sofa. She loves to sit over the other Papillons and to check out what is going on. She is still the Queen and wants to have the best places on the sofa or in the bed.
In her breeding carrier she had 10 pups totally with 5 Champions into. The other were sold as pets so they never had the chance to go for any championships. Angelique was shown only a short period as a young dog where she got two JCAC and res.JCAC. after this we stopped to show her.
In 2003 we decided to show her again now as veteran.
Her results:
16 x BOB Veteran
6 x Best in Show Veteran
Veteran Champion (VK)
VDH Veteran Champion 
Angelique is also testing for PL and PRA with negative results.
After finishing her second Veteran champion Angelique will not be shown anymore and can enjoy her Life at our sofa-her most beloved place. It was just wonderful to show her and I hope for some more years with my grand old lady.
Some photos of her:
